Thursday, June 18, 2009

Big Apple Donuts & Coffee

Big Apple Donut food donat


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

common jokes (mistakes?) found in malaysian-made stories/series/movies

this entry was provoked when i watched Bio-Nik - tv3, setiap isnin, 9 mlm; jgn lupa tonton! [no im not condemning this series, but it was certain to provoke a critique observation] anyway kudos to KRU brothers!

Scene: Nik (the main character in Bio-Nik) n his friend was driving through some kind of urban road network (more like Putrajaya - i say some sort of urban road bcoz the road ada banyak lampu jalan sepanjang jalan, n jalan2 dia sumer 6 lane!). dari siang sampai langit da gelap. lama tu!! later after an accident, it was revealed (dlm cerita tu) that they were driving on "lebuhraya timur barat" (the one that connects Kelantan and Perak through the mountains in the north, for those of you who don;t know).

Komentar: Well, the scenery along lebuhraya timur barat is very much different from an urban area lah! mana ada lampu jalan n bangunan kiri kanan jalan tu, n its jus t 2 lanes on the mountanious zones. so kalau nak simulate area lebuhraya timur barat, agak2 ler shoot la kat area yg rural sket. adoi

Scene: Nik's dad (Professor Hafiz) was kinda programming n loading some sort of program on his super computer, tiptapping two keyboards at once (wow!) but on his monitor is just a screensaver which keeps repeating itself, and no matter how furiously the he taps the keyboards, the monitor keeps showing the same screensaver (i.e. no response) over n over again. he even stared intensely into the monitor, wondering why his program is not working. in the end he became pissed off because his program was not working as he wanted to.

Komentar: Well no wonder the program did not work! even the monitor did not respond to any of his keyboard taps. lol. so he either 1) need to tap more furiously 2) need more keyboards or 3)need to connect the cables correctly from the commputer to the monitor

Scene: (from scene 2 above) Nik's dad was actually trying to 'program' Nik's nerves/brains/whatever, via his supercomputer. but there seems to be not even a single cable connecting his supercomputer(s) to Nik. hmmm..

Komentar: hmhmm.. probably he was using some kinda bluetooth or infrared connection?

i have nothing against local made stuff. but c'mon lah~~

hm i cant get my font size rite. haha